
We at TIEEDI are in complete awe as we watch man and nature join hands to unfold the various bits and pieces of the puzzle. We appreciate the gift of life as we see our dreams slowly morph into reality.  Each new day at the farm brings us an opportunity to learn, to grow and we would love to share the experience.

We welcome volunteers to be a part of this beautiful journey and join us in our efforts to reunify man and nature and help us realise our dream of creating a sustainable living space, not just for ourselves but also for the community. We need helping hands as work on reviving the dying rivers, protecting the surrounding forest and increasing its bio-diversity, helping with local economy by promoting handicrafts made by the villagers….all of this and more, while…Taking It Easy… 🙂

Volunteering FAQs

Is there a minimum duration of volunteering TIEEDI?
There is no minimum duration , however we would advise volunteers to stay with us for a minimum of 1 week since that would help us plan better and help you learn better.

How much do I need to pay to volunteer?
As we are striving to achieving a self-sustainable forest garden, we are currently charging a minimal fees from our volunteers to take care of the basic expenses. The volunteering rates vary according to the tenure of your stay and is as follows:

  1. Less than a week: Rs. 1250/day
  2. Less than a fortnight: Rs. 750/day.
  3. Less than 3 months: Rs. 500/day.
  4. For volunteering requests for more than three months we will evaluate the charges based on the skills you bring to the farm and also based on the experience of the first month (which will be charged at Rs. 500/day)

This covers all your fooding and lodging costs and there are no other charges.

What will be the provisions for my accommodation & food?
You will be staying at the farm in shared room with other volunteers. Cooking is a fun activity for us at TIEEDI. We love eating fresh organic food and also exploring different cuisines from across the world that our volunteers surprise us with often in our kitchen. One of the objectives of creating a forest garden was to grow some real food and as we savour every morsel of the food that is grown/foraged in our land we will take you in a delightful gastronomical journey. If you have special diet preferences please mention that in the form in the Tell Us More section.

What activities would I be volunteering for, and do I need to have any prior experience?
Volunteers will be helping with the projects listed on the Our Projects section of our website, and they can join in at any stage. Other duties like cooking, cleaning will also be shared. No prior experience is necessary, however we would encourage our volunteers to not just learn but also teach at the farm. Basis specific volunteer skills and interests, we could also consider organising workshops at the farm for e.g. yoga, carpentry, painting and many more. So, kindly mention your skills and interests in the form.

How many hours of work do I need to put in to the farm?

We encourage volunteers to follow their heart and put in the effort as per their comfort levels. However, to ensure tracking of the projects we would expect volunteers to atleast help around the farm for 6 hours every day and for 6 days a week. The rest of the time they can choose to spend as per their wish…hiking around the forest trails, visiting tourist hotspots in Darjeeling, catching up with friends or simply taking it easy in the farm.

Will I be paid if I lead a workshop in the farm?

Yes, the earnings from the workshop organised by the volunteer would be shared 50% between TIEEDI and the volunteer. As we try and build TIEEDI as a skills learning centre, we encourage volunteers to share their knowledge and organise workshops. Another way to look at it would be that organising workshops will also offset the volunteering cost for the volunteers.

Please fill this short volunteer application form and we will get back to you soon.

[contact-form-7 id=”2569″ title=”Volunteer”]