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Flora – An Introduction

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Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders.” – Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau’s experiment of living in the woods and then his subsequent seminal work ‘Walden’ has great lessons for all of us. It is relevant all the more for us now in the age of rampant consumerism and crony capitalism. One of the primary reason of setting up Take It Easy for us is to reconnect to nature and watch the seed create its magic from close quarters. One of the first projects that we undertook in our forest garden was The Reforestation Drive that saw us plant close to 350 trees during the monsoons of 2016 and to complement with that we have also planted 2600 saplings of Black Cardamom. We will also be growing most of the food that goes into our kitchen in the forest garden. There hasn’t been a day when we have not been enthralled with the magic that we are witnessing as the seeds burst, the saplings sprout, the flowers bloom, the leaves unfurl and the young trees start reaching out to kiss the sky.

Watch this space for more updates on the Flora world of Take It Easy, we promise to share the magic with you!

'Toosaru' in our plum tree cutting!
‘Toosaru’ in our plum tree cutting!